Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy Fucking New Year!  I've been having a rough time with migraines the past few weeks and with that, keeping my morale up.  Every day is a struggle somehow, and I wonder how to talk myself out of the deep pit of despair (sometimes on an hourly basis).  And then, I read the news and see all kinds of true horror out there and feel like a spoiled kid for whining so much.  I remind myself how lucky I am. 

Okay, enough of that.  Let's see... I just came back from a fabulous trip to Naples to see my good friend & her new boyfriend.  By the way, they had so much less tree damage (from Hurricane Wilma) than we did and I think it's because the East coast of Florida did NOT stick with native trees while the West coast mostly did.  Her boyfriend has a house on the beach which is absolutely gorgeous.  It's an older home and much close to the Naples I remember as a kid than all of those McMansions that keep going up everywhere (here especially).  ON THE FKN BEACH!!!  Did I mention that part?  :p  My room looked out onto the ocean, and I listened to the waves gently crashing against the shore.  ON THE FKN BEACH!!!!  I didn't realize how much I missed her until I saw her again.  Haha, we had so much fun just goofing and laughing everywhere we went.

I have 2 restaurant reviews to give.  The first is a trendy sushi joint in downtown Naples called Blu Sushi.  The food was incredible, but I would never go back because their service (with the exception of our bubbly waitress) was horrible.  We called in advance to ask if we could make reservations and were told we didn't need them.  Of course when we got there, we had to wait 45 minutes for a table.  Then (here comes the kicker where I normally would have walked out if I had even stayed originally), I asked if they could substitute cream cheese for mayonnaise in one roll and was told No.  WTF???  NO????  Then, he says it's all prepared ahead of time.  My face literally had WTF written all over it so he checked with his chef (or went to get a drink) and came back and said that they couldn't.  Their menu does in fact say, please ask and we will create whatever you desire.  Prepared ahead of time???  Does he know he works at a sushi restaurant?  I didn't make a big deal cuz I didn't want my food spit in, and I was out with friends, but for the love of Mike!

The 2nd one was called Bella Maria Cafe and was fabulous!!!  I was overly hungry and wigging out (almost ready to eat at Subway FFS).  This was just down the road, so I took a chance, and omigod I had a fiesta in my mouth.  Yum!!  Plus, the service was great, and the prices not too crazy.  They sat us immediately and served us soon afterwards.

However the most important news today is that Bertram was granted a reprieve!  Long live Bertram!

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