Saturday, November 29, 2003

Saturday, November 29, 2003

My nephew had his black belt ceremony today.  I was so proud and so appalled all at the same time.  Was very odd sensation.  They made such a Hollywood Production out of it.  They mouthed the mantras of Modesty, Humility, etc....and then were showing off, bragging, and just acting silly.  Most of their performances were set to Death Metal.  I felt like I should jump off the bleachers and start a mosh pit.  Galahad and I were cringing the entire time.  Oh well, it gives my nephew esteem and that's very important.  Perhaps it will keep him off drugs.  High intelligence seems to lead people to self-medicate at some point.

Afterwards, we did my family's Thanksgiving dinner (Galahad's was on Thursday).  That was wonderful to see everyone getting along.   Plus the food was yummy!  =)

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Don't you hate when you're reading a book and there is a word on almost every page that you have to look up?  I like learning new words but that is ridiculous.  And after the 3rd word, what are the chances I'll remember the rest?

New words I learned:




Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Yay!!!  My head is better!!!  Yay!!!  =))


And the birthdays continue.  Happy Birthday to my sexy southern-accented friend!

Monday, November 24, 2003

Monday, November 24, 2003

Yay!  My dentist appointment is today.  Okay, I might be crazy, but I'm beginning to think this cavity is contributing to this prolonged bout of migraine-itis. 

My dentist is absolutely wonderful and was so nice and patient with my sensitive sissy-ass self.  He had to give me extra shots cuz I'm so sensitive.  (rolls eyes)  He used bubblegum flavored topical numbing agent on my gum before he injected the long-pointy-needle-of-burning-acid. 

I didn't get the More-Flossing-Less-Sweets-Lecture either.  In fact, he started trading ice cream tips with me.  =p

Happy Birthday to my slightly altered state of mind friend!

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Saturday, November 22, 2003

I dragged my sorry ass into my chiropractor's office for emergency treatment.  He worked on me for about 40 minutes.  I'm hoping that helps break this migraine cycle.  On the way home, I was gonna stop for wonton soup.  I was trying to think of any Chinese restaurants on the way.  Serendipity!  I passed a new Gourmet eatery and stopped in.  I picked up a brie sandwich, a quart of gourmet beef barley soup, and a pint of shrimp bisque. Yum!!  =)  At least we'll be miserable in style.   

Happy Birthday to my crazy dragon-backed friend!

Friday, November 21, 2003

Friday, November 21, 2003

What a pair we are.  I did an injection yesterday and woke up again today in pain.  :(  However, Galahad seemed more miserable than me, so I took care of him first. 

Then, I drove to Blockbuster to return Lara Croft.  Galahad informed me that Hollywood Video (which is across the street) has better prices and longer rentals.  So I borrowed his card and tried it out.  Wtf???  Blockbuster's new releases are 2 days while HV is 5 days.  AND.... All movies for BB are $3.79 while HV is $0.99.  How is that possible?  Why do people still rent from BB?  Am I an idiot for not knowing this?  I did have 6 months worth of free rental coupons to BB, which is why I went there.  So I guess free is still better than $0.99.  I have 1 month left and it's the end of my fun with BB.

As I was pulling up in my driveway, who should appear next to me but my scary neighbor.  I bit the bullet and gave him a friendly hello.  Haha, it fucked him all up.  He literally did a double take.  Then he smiled and said, "I bet you've been happy we've been away so long."  Hehe, what could I do but agree.  =p

Last night we watched Spirited Away, which I highly recommend.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Since dinner was up to me last night, I of course ran right out to Boston Market and "cooked" a lovely meal with sides and cornbread.  =)  I also picked up movies from Blockbuster for our viewing pleasure.  Lara Croft for teh win!1!!!

Somewhere toward the end of the movie, I realized my head was hurting badly enough that I was wearing a hole in my right eyebrow futilely rubbing the pain away.  I took an Imitrex pill (dumbass that I am I should have gone for the shot).  By the time I realized this was one bad mutha', it was too late to do the shot.  The pill takes 2 hours to give some relief.  At about the 70 minute mark, I completely lost my mind and had a breakdown.  Poor Galahad had to stop being sick for a while and tend to me. 

Despondence had reached its long spiny fingers down into my heart and started squeezing.  I felt like all the progress I thought I had made was gone -- leaving me stuck in the same helpless position I was in 20 years ago.   I knew I shouldn't start crying since that hurts worse, but the tears poured out.  The illusion of being functional had shattered, and I felt like such a burden on this planet.  I was almost desperate enough to try the Botox Migraine Treatment.  Hehe, but then Galahad made Botox faces at me and made me giggle.  He reassured me I wasn't a burden to him.  He got me ice for my head which I crushed down with a fury.  I was holding it so hard against my head that I popped the Special Ice Pack (Gah, I hope it wasn't toxic!) and it leaked all down my shoulder.  I'll have to remember to buy him a new one for Christmas. 

So here it is Thursday morning and I am proven right yet again to be a Little Weather Predictor.  Couldn't I just get psychic flashes instead of migraines?  Couldn't the Cold Front (yeah I know 60°F isn't cold for most of you but it was 80°F yesterday) have just rung our doorbell instead of intruding into my Inner Pain?  =(

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I was supposed to go to the dentist today and get a cavity filled.  Yuck!  :(  But, there was some sort of mix-up so I showed up 2 hours late and they didn't have room.  (My little card said 1:15 but they wrote me in the book for 11:15...sigh.)  Heh, quite the mixed feelings over that one.  It's 30 minutes away so a pain in the ass to get to, plus I had to be aspirin (and therefore Excedrin) free for the few days preceding it.  This is to prevent me bleeding like a stuck pig.  [Hi my name is Wendy and I'm addicted to Excedrin.]  On the plus side, no Long Sharp Needle to jab into my gums 368 times because I'm so sensitive and need it numbed a lot.  No drooling on the drive home.  No worries about eating later.

Poor Galahad has some nasty funk in his immune system so he stayed home today, and I attempted to take care of him (like he didn't feel bad enough :p).  That also means the sink didn't get fixed, but he did borrow a special Green Plumbing Wrench from his parents last night.  Apparently, that was threatening enough to the sink to leak less today.  Now it's just plink.........................plink with the Green Plumbing Wrench conveniently keeping a menacing eye on the sink from the counter.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Today I put a metal pot lid in the kitchen sink at a certain angle.  It changes the inflection & tonality of the constant Chinese water torture plink ... plink ...  plink.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Monday, November 17, 2003

Our kitchen sink just developed a leak or more accurately a drip.  How does that happen?  One day it's fine, the next it has issues.  So of course, I decide not to call Galahad immediately and burden his mind with that.  I waited until he was at least 3 feet into the house.  =)  He's all excited cuz he thinks he already has the parts to fix it.  He starts talking and my mind strangely tunes it all out except random words like wrench & gasket.

He tells me there is no water shutoff just for that sink so he has to do the one for the house.  Okay, I filled up my glass of water and am set for 30 minutes or so.  I hear some rustling and rattling.  I would offer to help but I can't even keep my mind focused on whole sentences when he's speaking about it.  No wonder plumbers make gobs of money. 

He finally says something something blah blah blah it isn't fixed yet.  Okay, that's fine.  It was nice of him to try.  I know better than to call a plumber though.  It will just be one of those things I will learn to live with.  It's not bothering me so much since we aren't in a drought.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I was a slug all day and watched TV, only moving from the chair to the couch and of course to the kitchen for food.  :)

I started the morning with some Jimmy Neutron and ended the evening with the search for Miss Apple Bottoms with quite a range in-between.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Friday, November 14, 2003

I'm Galahad's little science experiment I think.  He's got me dosing up on L-Glutamine now to fix my myriad issues.  It's supposed to boost my immune system which I wore down by stressing out too much lately.  :\  I'm not as stressed but my body is still recuperating from it.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Thursday, November 13, 2003

My body is falling apart.  :(  I got another migraine today.  It seems like there is always something wrong with me lately.  The funny part is (well maybe more ironic than humorous) is that now that I actually have stuff to be sad about, I'm not.  ;p  Yay for not being sad and crying!!  =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Time to see my lovely Galahad again.    Yeah I know it was only one night without him, but I still missed him.  I came home from the airport a little before he got home from work.    And because I love him so much, I surprised him by baking banana nut muffins and mini-muffins.  =)

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

I had to fly to Tampa for a quickie business trip.  I thought I was being so smart in choosing my airplane seat.  As I started to sit down, I began to think I wasn't so smart.  The man next to me got larger as I got closer.  He started to spill over a little into my seat.  Well, I could lean over a bit towards the window plus it was a relatively short flight.  Omg, the B.O. on him!  I opened my AC vent so wide to try to blow fresh (relatively) air into my rapidly closing nostrils.  The vent was blowing so strongly that my peanuts were blowing all around.  Thankfully, it wasn't too long of a flight.  :\

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Sunday, November 9, 2003

Galahad and I went to an insane party to watch the Offshore Powerboat Races.  It was hosted by Trinis and we all cheered the Trini boat.  They got beat out at the last minute by the Bacardi boat.  Oh well, still had lots of yummy food to eat.  =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

As usual, I am flabbergasted by my county's shoddy handling of elections yesterday.  They did a special BY MAIL only ballot, which I didn't really pay attention to.  I get tons of junk mail a day.  I had put these packets aside as something to look at later.  Turns out that I couldn't go in person yesterday to vote.  So, I had to fill out my mail-in ballot and drop it at the courthouse by 5 pm.  It's a good thing my job allows me to be flexible with my schedule.  After circling 3 times looking for a parking spot, I threw my hazards on, pulled up at a yellow curb, and decided to make a run for it real quick. 
I forgot that there would be security and lines to go through.  Heh, it was actually the first time I have ever been there even though I have lived in this area for over 10 years.  When I dropped off the ballots, I asked the man there if they would be counted.  He didn't laugh. 
Here's the irony of the whole matter.  I voted absentee last year because I was out of town.  It turns out that our incompetent and corrupt supervisor of elections missed a bunch of absentee ballots.  No idea if mine was in that bunch.  So, she is the first one to make a MAIL only ballot after issuing this statement:
No idea if my vote ever has been counted in the years I have been voting here, but I sure have been amused starting with the chad counting in 2000.  =)  I suppose that's a fair trade.  ;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Hard to believe that my mom died 4 years ago today.  It seems like it's been both longer than that and shorter.  Dunno how to explain it.  I still miss the fact that I don't have a mother at times, but mostly I'm okay with it.  I think I cry a few times a year over it and probably that's just when I'm extra hormonal.  Somehow, I have no tears or sadness today which surprised me a bit.  I even had a smile because so many of her orchids are in bloom.  An absolutely beautiful shade of purple orchid just opened today.  =)

Monday, November 3, 2003

Monday, November 3, 2003

One of my favorite people just told me that I am not too sensitive -- I am wonderfully attuned to my senses.  Hehe, I love it!  =)