Monday, March 31, 2003

Monday, March 31, 2003

Yay, the birdies are back!!!  Well, not so Yay cuz they're still nesting on my cushions.  But, they look so cute.  ;)  Do you suppose they take weekends off the way most people do?  I wasn't even outside yesterday, and they didn't come around.  And now, first thing Monday morning, there they are.  Why didn't I move the nest yesterday?  Laugh, cuz they really do look so comfortable that I didn't want to fuck up their home.

fuck --- the word

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Sunday, March 30, 2003

A blustery day today.  Hold on my precious mango tree!  The wind is blowing all the baby mangoes off.  :(

Wondrous Vulva Puppet Gallery

Saturday, March 29, 2003

Saturday, March 29, 2003

No birdies today :(

I stayed up too late last night, so I'm just gonna sleep by the pool today.  I will try my hardest not to fall asleep on my float, fall in, & drown.  How embarrassing would that be?  Hehe, the ultimate in clutz-dom.


Friday, March 28, 2003

Friday, March 28, 2003

The mourning doves are back.   Galahad and I had carefully moved their nest the other day into an empty orchid basket nearby and lined it with soft palm tree husk.  They rebuilt it yesterday and now look very cozy on my cushions again.  :(

I went to the dentist this morning to get an old filling replaced.  I love my dentist, but I hate the sounds & sensations of this whole process.  Good god am I squeamish!  He was so sweet to me.  He numbed up my jaw with banana flavored something before injecting other numbing stuff into my jaw 75 times until I had no feeling left on the side of my face.  I still made him test it before he turned the drill on.  While we were waiting for the numbing stuff (I'm gonna assume it was Novocain but not really sure) to work, he sat and talked to me about life & philosophy & stuff.  Most dentists leave you alone to drool quietly while they do other stuff.  But he is so awesome to talk to.  Btw, he told me that studies are now showing that we shouldn't re-use plastic water bottles.  Wtf?  He said your own mouth bacteria apparently chemically reacts with the plastic of the bottle and is now harmful.   He gave me an education on how exactly fillings work and about the whole mercury controversy.

Omg, I got so tense when he started drilling.  He kept patting my arm and asking if I was okay.  I did all my deep breathing exercises and counting backwards exercises to relax.  I was also laughing at myself for being such a sissy, so I had a silly grin somewhere mixed in amongst all the instruments in my mouth.  And then, my tongue was doing constant battle with the suction thingie.  Hehe, it was annoying me, so my tongue kept pushing it all around trying to find a comfortable spot for it.  I tried to concentrate on that and not on the thought that suddenly he would hit a nerve with the drill.  Unfortunately at these times, I can still multi-task like a motherfucker.  I felt just a sliver of pain and freaked (well the open-mouthed with 30 things inside kind of yell).  So, he shot me up with more Novocain, and we chatted some more.  ;)

He reassured me that is was okay to be so sensitive cuz it makes me a sweet person.  Awwwwwww.  Isn't he a great guy?

A 'blog from inside Iraq

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Thursday, March 27, 2003

k this one isn't going to be pretty, but I know I'll feel better afterwards, so here goes.

Dinner with my dad last night --- just the two of us.  90 minutes with the man whose genes I inherited, and he never asked how I was.  Although maybe to his credit, I only ever answer him with a "fine" cuz he seems so disinterested in anything deeper.  Maybe he made an executive decision and bypassed the "fine."  Or maybe he truly doesn't care.  It doesn't bother me as much today.  I got cranky last night, but today I'm "fine".  Laugh.  I slay myself.

At the end of dinner (which he paid for, thanks), he gave me a hug goodnight, and remarked in a very concerned tone of voice that I was too thin.  Gee thanks.  Then, he inquired if I was eating and couldn't I gain 10-20 pounds.  Mother fucker!  Who does he think I got my skinny genes from??  Then he says my sister has lost some weight, and she's almost as skinny as I am.  Grrrrr.....  I've been the same weight (give or take 5 pounds) for about 15 years,  Well, except when I went through my bodybuilding phase and gained 10 pounds of muscle.  Omg, that was so hard to maintain.  I was drinking protein shakes a few times a day.  I literally brought food with me to the gym and ate while I was working out.  Lol, that used to piss off a lot of people, watching me scarf down McDonald's fries.  But I digress.

So, he completely lived up to our family motto.  I heard all about his trip to L.A. and the smog there.  I heard about the contractor who's remodeling his kitchen.  I heard about the contractor's wife & dogs & new house.  I heard that he refers to this contractor as "son".  Wtf???  Seven kids weren't enough?  I stayed pretty quiet throughout dinner because I didn't want to be bothered dredging all this up again.  It obviously has no lasting effects.  But he's home alone (his new wife is still in L.A.), so he's bored and wants to be kept company.

On the drive home, I kept repeating to myself how lucky I am in life and this is all superficial shit, so I shouldn't let it bother me.  Most of the world seems to be in the midst of a tragedy, and I'm whining about hurt feelings.  I'm 30-something -- I don't need parents.  [Hehe, good, cuz I don't have any.  ;)]    I was driving Galahad's car and tried to cheer myself up with how cool it is.  I was almost smiling when I turned onto our street.

I pulled into our driveway, shut the engine off, and the fucking car kept running.  I sat there in disbelief listening to a hum and telling myself that it wasn't coming from the car.  I started it up and turned it off again.  There it was.  I got out and put my hand on the hood to verify that it was indeed emanating from the cool car that had just cheered me up.  Fuck!  It was.   :(   So I dialed my Galahad's cellphone --- got voicemail.  I ran inside the house and called his karate school.  How embarrassing.  I asked the man who answered to interrupt and get him.  I was weighing in my mind which was worse, embarrassing & bothering him at class or letting his car do something fucked up.  I hope I made the right call.  He says he's leaving then and I tell him I'm just going to drive around the block and switch through some gears or something.  Fuck, my answer to everything is to reboot.  That didn't help somehow.  :(  You guessed it, driving around the block and switching through gears did absolutely nothing except make me feel all yummy for driving a cool car again.  ;)  So, I came inside and changed and waited for him to come home.

He comes in and tells me about this horrible accident that just happened on the turn into our street -- same color car as his that he caught out of the corner of his eye at night.  His heart did a little flip, and he had to give himself a little talk saying he would turn the corner and see his car sitting in the driveway and know his girl wasn't the one lying in the street on a stretcher.  So that kind of helped again with the perspective thing. 

He started fiddling with his car, and I of course was already cranky.  Uh oh.  I had my feelings hurt in about 3 minutes, so I said screw this and retreated upstairs to my library and my book.  I read about one page before I gained perspective and went back down to apologize and to help in any way I could.  We (meaning him) managed to figure some temporary workaround until it could be properly fixed.  I orchestrated the flashlight and didn't rant about my night until later, after he had eaten.

So, the moral of the story is.... sushi dinners are still good even if the company is deprecatory towards me.  And cool cars do indeed cheer me up but it's only a temporary yumminess.  =)

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Hehe, I stumbled into the kitchen this morning to get breakfast when I heard a smash against the back door.  I see 2 morning doves negotiating their way around my back porch.  When I looked more closely, I saw they were building a nest in my lounge cushions.  I shooshed them away, but now I'm wondering if I can relocate their nest to somewhere more convenient for me other than my cushions that I need for the weekend.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Monday, March 24, 2003

Wow, another orchid for me!!  :)  This one is so aromatic.

My head is almost better.  Yay!!!!  Today is absolutely gorgeous weather.  I'm frustrated that I'm inside & missing it.  I want to lie out by my pool --- feel the cool wind on my skin and the sun warming me back up.  Sigh, back to work.

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Sunday, March 23, 2003

We went to brunch with Galahad's parents.  It started raining while we were sitting outdoors at California Cafe.  Galahad & I were on the outer edge and got a fine mist on us.  I love the storms here.  There's something sensual about them.  His parents kept asking us if we wanted to move cuz we were clearly getting wet, and yet neither one of us wanted to budge.   We sat and watched the storm move across the water and over the yachts.  It cleared up just as we were leaving so we didn't get rained on when we walked among the ships and out to the car.

The storm brought cooler weather finally (probably what was causing my fucking migraine).  We both came home and took a little catnap.  I curled up in my library with a book and promptly started purring.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Yuck, I'm still hurting.  I woke up at 8 am to take more Imitrex.  And, of course I had crazy dreams cuz of the meds I took yesterday.  I won't bore you with the details cuz they were just crazy and not really funny.  ;)

Poor Galahad didn't sleep all that well cuz the A/C seems to be not running at full capacity.  He called the guy today to come out & fix it.  Of course, that meant that we had to scramble and clean the filters cuz he didn't want the guy to see them dirty.  Isn't that funny?

Friday, March 21, 2003

Friday, March 21, 2003

Happy First Day of Spring!   Although it's hot enough here to be summer.

Galahad and I spent most of the day together.  I had taken the day off from work (good thing as I woke up with a migraine.  Ugh!).  He came home early and bought me new white Peeps!  Hehe, I can't eat any yet until I kick the migraine, but they sure are fun and a reminder from a happy part of my childhood.  He's so sweet to have remembered.  We curled up in the living room and watched Pocahontas until my meds overwhelmed the migraine.  Then, we got dressed & went out to start Happy Hour & dinner at a new (to us) place in downtown Ft Lauderdale, the River House.  Happy hour consists of complimentary sushi with 2 for 1 drinks.  We sat out on a bench by the river --- me eating my sushi and him sipping on rum & coke.  My brother was supposed to join us but never showed.  :(

Then we moved upstairs for dinner.  They went out of their way to seat us at a "good" table by the window that overlooked the river.  Hehe, I was mostly full by then, so I ordered just an appetizer while Galahad ordered a dinner.  I rarely eat bread, but omg, it was so good.  They had two kinds of nutty olive bread with hummus and butter on the side.  Mmmmmm.  I ordered the Brie salad, and good god it was yummy.  Galahad ordered some fish (who cares what kind cuz it was cooked), and then he got the Tiramisu with guava for dessert. Wow!  I wasn't even gonna have any cuz I was stuffed.  I dipped my little finger in the guava sauce and my mouth exploded in scrumptiousness. 

Midway through dinner, I had to take another Imitrex.  :(   But at least I was feeling good on the drive home.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

I saw the coolest lizard fight last night.  These two big macho males were battling it out on my back porch, dominating & rolling over each other.  They rolled down two steps in their desire to best one another.  I ran to get my camera to try to get pics but I couldn't get close enough --- no zoom on my camera.  They weren't an indigenous breed to Florida.  They kind of looked like mini dinosaurs, dark-colored with a big ridge down their backs.  After they stopped fighting, they stood a few lengths apart and postured about, doing lizard push-ups and flapping their dewlaps.  Hehe, I love watching the male of almost any species (including humans) when they try to out macho each other in seemingly meaningless harmless actions.

Why can't people do that more?  Harmless macho actions.

This Iraqi thing is making me crazy cuz I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I haven't commented so far because I haven't solidified my opinion yet.  I think it's more complicated than 99% of the world knows.  So, it's kinda hard to have an uninformed opinion.  Well, I guess it's not difficult, it just seems pointless to me.  I don't know Bush's motivations entirely.  Yes, the oil must play into it to some extent but that can't be all of it.  Yes, the humanitarian reasons are there, but we don't usually get involved just for that.  Yes, the extremist terrorists may be there, but it seems Saudi Arabia would be a better place to start.  And, of course, I can't forget the ego thing started by his father.  Still, it doesn't seem to add up to war.  Or maybe like everything else in my life, I am over-analyzing.

I keep thinking about how scared our soldiers (and their loved ones) must be.  I know that whether or not I agree with this whole thing, I still am proud of them for putting their lives on the line.

Hugs To Kuwait -- Adopt A Soldier

Operation Military Pride, supporting deployed military members worldwide

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

We watched some silly ninja movie, Wrath of the Ninja, last night.  I couldn't follow it very well nor did I want to.  The protagonist was a sexy female shadow warrior who kicked some ass so that was pretty cool.  They kept showing gratuitous panty shots though --- ninja in a  mini-skirt.  Plus it was kind of gory while I was eating.  Hehe, Galahad seemed to like it more than I did and was probably annoyed by my constant questions of wtf?

Monday, March 17, 2003

Monday, March 17, 2003

Wow, another orchid for me!!!!  Omg, I'm so happy.  My mother must be smiling wherever she is.  Hahah or wondering why I don't take better care of them so that this isn't such a rare occurrence.  I put a new photo up.

My ant bites are better today but started itching from the hot shower beating down on my feet.

where lonely socks go to meet

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Fucking fire ants!!!!  There I was minding my own business, when 3 stealthed ants pwn my right foot in a coordinated attack.  There was no ant pile in sight.  I was in the backyard taking photos of my latest flowering orchid.  (I'll add it to my Photos page later on.)  I disregarded the bites because I am not allergic to them like my lovely Galahad with the sensitive skin.  I ran (literally) inside to download the camera before the batteries died.  That camera is fun but it chews through AAA batteries. 

Suddenly I feel this burning in my foot!  Omfg, it made me crazy.  I ran back outside to Galahad to show him.  Normally he is the one they chew on and make his life a living burning hell.  The poison (or whatever it is they have in their saliva) is visibly spidering out into my capillaries in a bright red pattern.  The 3 bites are welting up nicely.  And, I was losing my mind.  I decided that soaking my foot in the pool will help.  Laugh, anything I can do to rationalize pool time, huh?  So, I change into my pool attire and float out on our raft. 

The pool is nice & warm now which does nothing to alleviate the burning hell in my foot.  I am sure at this point that steam will be rising out of our pool any minute now.  My lovely, calm Galahad makes me an ice pack for my foot. 

Because I am sensitive to cold, this seems to hurt worse.  Now I am howling about my foot bones aching from the cold.  And, I could still feel the fucking burning of the bites.  I started to alternate concentrating on one misery then the other.  That worked for about 15 seconds when I lost my mind again.   

My dear sweet patient Galahad (I think I owe him another week of flowers again, huh?) takes out one piece of ice to hold on the exact spot of my bite so as not to freeze any non-burning part of my delicate foot.  So there I am floating on the raft.  He's sitting on the edge of the pool treating my afflicted foot.  This struck me as funny, so I let out a chuckle.  The ant poison must have made it all the way to my brain by now because suddenly I convulsed into hysterical laughter.  It was the quiet kind, so he didn't notice for a few minutes as he was intensely concentrating on fixing my foot.  Of course that made me laugh even harder.  Finally, he looks up and sees me laughing so hard I have tears streaming down my face.

He just gives me an "I have such a crazy girlfriend" look, smiles, and goes back to freezing my ant bites.  Once I lost the feeling in my foot, I was fine the rest of the day.  =)

Friday, March 14, 2003

Friday, March 14, 2003

Sushi & then chocolate covered strawberries for dessert last night.  Mmmmmm.  I felt a little bit bad since I bought the strawberries and forgot Galahad doesn't particularly like white chocolate.  He managed to eat a couple anyway.  ;)  You'd think that after all these years together I would remember that, but it just seems incomprehensible to me.  :)

I had to go to the dentist this morning for my semi-annual cleaning.  My teeth feel so good now, all smooth & clean & slippery.  I'm not so fond of the cleaning part cuz I'm sensitive like that.  Hehe, they always remember now that I am a "sensitive" patient.  Who knew that would carry over into my mouth?   And why would I expect any differently? 

I got into a bit of a fight with my sweet, gentle hygienist.  She wanted to take full x-rays of my mouth, but I always refuse cuz of the radiation.  (I'm sure she thinks I sit at home in my aluminum hat.)  My research and intuition tell me that excessive x-rays as a child severely aggravated my skin cancer predisposition.  Anyway, we agreed to compromise and only x-ray two spots she was suspicious of.  Hehe, I bet she doesn't get this much resistance from all of her other patients combined.  It's an old people practice, and old people typically have the outlook that all medical personnel are to be followed unquestioningly.  That used to piss me off so much as a child watching my parents fall for bad medical advice, especially when it concerned me.  My nature is to research everything excessively and ask questions unfailingly.  That generation's nature is to blindly follow authority it seems. 

She gave me a fluoride treatment at the end.  Laugh, I always feel like I have gorilla lips when I get those.  Dunno if you've ever had one.  They fill polystyrene molds full of gooey fluoride and pop it in your mouth.  I think it's one size fits all, so it doesn't fit very well in mine.  And then, I got to see my dentist.

/sound of trumpets

He is the best dentist ever!!!!  I switched once because he is far away, always busy, and has an old-fashioned practice.  Boy did I regret that.  I went to some woman who had all new-fangled stuff, and she was terrible.  My mouth hurt for so long after I had been to her.  I called him up, embarrassed, and apologized for cheating on him and begged him to fix my mouth, which he did graciously.  :)  He is so kind & gentle & caring & wonderful & amazing.  I always wanted to marry him, waaaay before I ever met my Galahad and before I knew he was married.  Hehe.  He is simply one of the kindest and most compassionate people I know. 

So now, I try to relax on the long drive to see him, jam out to my fave dance tunes, and dance my way there.   :)  I was having a beautiful ride home, feeling my teeth all smooth & yummy, thinking I didn't want to eat for a long time so I could enjoy that clean feeling.  And, wouldn't you know it?  I got about 2 blocks from his office before I tore into the pack of stale airplane peanuts sitting at the bottom of my purse for just such emergencies.  Me & my hunger issues.  laugh.


Thursday, March 13, 2003

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Last night I took Galahad out to dinner to celebrate his latest karate belt.  We went to California Cafe.   Mmmmmm, I love their food.  I even dressed kinda girly for him.  I wore my little black mini skirt with my 4 inch heels.  I didn't trip at all.  Yay!!!  I'm still figuring out how to gracefully sit down without showing anything that shouldn't show.  ;)  And, getting in & out of the car was another feat of acrobatics.  Luckily, we weren't in a sports car.

His favorite was the spring rolls and mine was the plantain fritters in battered coconut in a light creamy rum sauce.  Omfg, mmmmmmm!

The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

What is proper email & IM etiquette?  When is it okay to stop responding?  When is it okay to not respond?  When is it okay to keep talking?  Have you ever found yourself in the position of having to make small talk in an IM or in an email?  Sometimes I am too busy and mean to get back to someone later.  Then, one day goes by.  Then three.  Once, I responded to someone 2 months later.  Yes, I felt like a loser. 

Btw, I added photos of my blooming orchids and my baby pineapple to my Interests page.

Utah remembers the victims of September 11, 2001

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Today is my best friend's (from childhood) birthday.  Happy birthday wherever you are.  We lost touch a few years ago.  I still keep in loose touch (Xmas cards) with her parents.  I tried to keep in better touch with her when she moved away, but it seemed like she didn't want to.  I don't mean that maliciously, just that she had new priorities --- husband, kids, etc.  I've known her since we were 3.  It seems wrong to let this friendship go, but it also feels wrong to cling to it like a packrat.  I didn't send a birthday card this year or a Xmas card, but somehow she has been on my mind all day.

I have problems letting go of the past, so I am trying to let this go.  I still have a couple pieces of clothing that my mom bought for me years ago which I never wear.  I can't seem to get rid of those either.  Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Monday, March 10, 2003

I love waking up to a great hair day.  Nothing can go wrong as long as my hair is glowing like this.  ;)  And, my skin feels magical after this weekend.  Okay, I know I'm sailing down denial, but I put on 2 different kinds of yummy after-sun lotion, and omfg it smells & feels so good.  Two you ask?  They go on different body parts of course.  Insurance for the sensitive areas.  And, Helioderm for the rest.  Unfortunately, that one was discontinued, so when it's gone, it's gone.  But until then, I smell & feel yummy.  :)

Sunday, March 9, 2003

Sunday, March 9, 2003

Pretty much a repeat of yesterday but more pool and less movies.  We are having splendiferous weather.  And, the pool is warm enough for me to go in now.  Plus one of my orchid plants is in full bloom with gorgeous purple flowers bursting out of it.

Heaven is spending the afternoon floating in the pool under blue skies, chatting with my Galahad about nothing, having him rub me down with Papaya spread, while gazing at the orchids and watching the lizards play like little dinosaurs.


Saturday, March 8, 2003

Saturday, March 8, 2003

Yay, another lazy weekend!  We watched Barbershop & formula51.  Afterwards, we worked up our energy to go out by the pool.  Then, we dragged our tired selves inside to eat & sleep some more.  :)

Browse the Vinegar Page

Friday, March 7, 2003

Friday, March 7, 2003

I was asked why I write this 'blog every day.  I told a friend once that I do it for me, but I don't think he believed me.  He asked why I wouldn't just use a journal then.  I love to write, and this gives me an outlet.  Why would I wanna write in a private journal where no one else can enjoy my hard work?  ;)  Writing here everyday helps me to explore me.  It makes me think twice (sometimes more) on what motivates me to do or say things.

I also love to hear people's reactions to what I write.  I don't say anything to get shock value; I just say what I think & feel.  Yet, it still seems to shock people or provoke them into their own thoughts.  I think it's great if people stretch themselves and grow from something random I said.

Plus I love to meet people (on my terms of course).  I can be fairly shy in person, so I love being able to meet people virtually through this medium.

Thursday, March 6, 2003

Thursday, March 6, 2003

Happy Birthday today to 2 of my friends!   You know who you are, Maximus.  ;)  From what I can tell, they were both born on a Friday, as was I.  Coincidence?  I think not!  /cue the theme for the Twilight Zone

Does anyone remember that poem?  Weird how I have surrounded myself with Friday's children.  Loving & giving?  Me?  Yeah, I suppose I am, but those wouldn't be the first 2 words I would pick to describe myself.   I am happy to surround myself with loving, giving folk though.  Yes, my Galahad is a Friday's Child, as well as several other close friends of mine but none of my immediate family.  Maybe I felt that lack and unconsciously picked people who would fill that dearth.

I've just researched this on Google cuz it was bothering me.  [Can you tell I'm bored on a conference call?]  There's a second part maybe of Friday. 
Friday's Child is Loving and Giving, Sharing With Friends Their Passion for Living
I wonder who wrote the original poem?  Mother Goose probably.  Who the fuck would call themselves Mother Goose?  Doesn't that sound like a codename for a spy?  Anyway, I can get behind passionate.   :)    Dunno if someone added that as a ghost writer -- marketing scum bastardizing Mother Goose. 

FAQ Coffee and Caffeine

/wave Randy.  I hope your day goes well.  :)

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Sunday, March 2, 2003

Do you ever write in your head while you think?  I do it all the time.  Sometimes, I try to write what I would say here but inevitably I forget by the time I write this.  Or I write letters to people in my head sharing with them my thoughts at the moment.  Am I crazy?  ;)  Hehe, don't answer that if it's affirmative.  I'm not geeky enough (yet) to walk around with a pad of paper or a PDA and capture that.  Maybe one day.  Until then, I will have to exercise my memory and attempt to recall it.  Sometimes I just write it out mentally to force a memory in my head. 

Today's movie was Minority Report, btw.  After watching that, I felt the urge to go do something.  Plus, I couldn't sit there and watch while Galahad was looking at the Special Features disc.  Ugghh!
Yesterday's yard work had produced a 3 foot high pile of palm fronds that had to be moved from the back to the front for bulk pickup.  For some reason, I really enjoy doing that at times.  It's mindless physical activity that just feels good.  It's when I do some of my best thinking and meditating.  I love to watch nature around me, and it was a beautiful breezy day (albeit somewhat warm).  The birds were soaring, the dragonflies strafing, and the lizards challenging each other to duels. 

After his disc ended, Galahad came out to help.  Yes, I was still dragging palm fronds to the front.  We have a plethora of palm trees in the back, and it has been too long since they were culled.  Of course, me being me, I showed him a few that he missed.  :)  We stayed out some more and just quietly worked side by side --- him cutting and me ferrying fronds.  He came upon a tree frog in one he had cut, so we put the frond back on the tree until he finds a new home. 

I finally got so exhausted that I couldn't even watch him work anymore and begged him to stop.  I collapsed on a chaise longue and quietly watched dusk fall in my little slice of seclusion.

P.S.   The Valentine roses are finally dead.  :(

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Last night, Galahad picked up some DVDs at the video store.  I just really don't get the whole DVD phenomenon.  I mean, I like the movie, but all that after stuff gets old after a while.  I just want to see the movie and be done with it.  I don't need to hear how the director was inspired and what the actor's favorite color is and what the leading man had for lunch every day.

Anyway, we watched Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron on Friday night.  It was cute, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.  Today, we watched such a great movie.  Galahad is so much better at picking movies than I.  It was called Wasabi and it was so fucking funny.  I actually got a cramp from laughing so hard at one point.  What made it even funnier is that it isn't really a comedy.  It's more of an action mystery type of movie.

After that, I watched Galahad do some yard work through our picture windows while I spoke with one of my brothers on the phone.  Omg, 160 minutes!  We had a really deep soulful talk about life.  I found out the details of the Christmas suicide of our friend.  It was more tragic than I thought.  He told me about the funeral and who went.  [I didn't go --- I don't like funerals much.  They overwhelm me.]  We spoke about how far we have come from our past and how much further we want to travel.  I told him I rarely associate with anyone who is similar to that.  I want to be whitebread now.  I want to live a simple life without drama and pervasive sadness and loss.  I am so thrilled to be where I am today and yet I wake up some days surprised that I am here.  Never in a million years did I think I would live this long nor be this happy and content in life.  I have that same hope for my brother to find his peace.  Dunno if he ever will.