Wednesday, July 28, 2021

death by a thousand cuts

More fucking skin cancer.

Yes, I'm treating it, but wouldn't it be nice if I could change something in my life, diet, whatever to eliminate the need to get pieces of my skin cut or burned off of me?  Yes, I do wear sunscreen.  Yes, I do drink water.

I'm doing a much better job accepting my scars and appreciating my skin for how it helps me instead of resenting it for having weaknesses.  That's a new way to look at it for me.

I love my skin because it protects me

Saturday, July 24, 2021

not-so-new creative endeavor

I've embraced my inner Zoomer and channeled my creativity into making YouTube videos instead of writing.  And being a Zoomer, I have the attention span of a gnat, so my videos are usually under two minutes.  Mostly I make inspirational morning coffee videos with a concrete action to promote happiness.  

 Sometimes, I read poetry whilst imbibing alcohol.  

 Kitten makes guest appearances, too.


P.S. I swear a lot.  Skip these if you are easily offended.