Tuesday, December 26, 2017


This was my first Christmas where I spoke with no one.  Not in person, nor on the phone.  Some people texted me good tidings, but no one called.  

I was fine most of the day, but sadness hit me around 6 pm.  I shed a few tears and gave myself a lecture that it was just a migraine prodrome and not actual sadness.  That almost helped.  I thought about consuming alcohol or bingeing on chocolates to wallow in my misery.  But the logical part of my brain said, "Really, Wendy??  You're possibly having migraine prodrome and you want to exacerbate that with known triggers?!  What the fuck is wrong with you??"  So I ate one piece of chocolate, nodded at my liquor stash, and started reading a new murder mystery.

It turns out I survived and didn't even need to throw a Pity Party.  

Go #TeamWendy!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

eye, eye, Captain!

I fucking had eye surgery again last week.  Number three for anyone keeping count.  Same eye.  This one helped repair some (but not all) of the damage done by the second surgery two years ago.  My vision is better than it was two weeks ago, but not as good as it was 2.5 years ago.

In order to have this surgery, I had to have a recent EKG.  The one from three months ago was apparently obsolete.  But the ophthalmologist office doesn't do EKGs.  Sigh.  They recommended going to my primary doctor.  Oh wait, I don't have one.  Try Urgent Care, Wendy.

Just about this time, my health insurance had a huge snafu with payments and showed me as not covered.  Story for another day, but it left me feeling very humbled -- crying to strangers and asking for extra assistance.

Also, my credit card was impersonated.  Fortunately, their fraud algorithms picked it up right away.  Unfortunately, my replacement card took two days to arrive.  Maybe only one and a half days, but it felt longer.  The representative on the phone assured me that my old card (still in my possession) would work until I received the new one.  Except when I'm trying to buy lunch at a sushi place.  Declined, ma'am.  My friend kindly paid.

I got home and called back to a different representative who said I could call back each time I'm declined and have them resubmit while I'm on the phone.   Yeah, that's convenient.

Anyway, back to Urgent Care.  First my insurance doesn't go through.  Then I had to explain about my credit card.  Very humbling.

I finally got them to take me seriously and accept me as a patient.  I go to the exam room for my EKG and am asked to remove both my shirt and my bra.  WHAT?!  I've had at least 10 EKGs in the past few years (migraine-related), and the most I've done is lift up my t-shirt.  But I'm all done arguing at this point.  I meekly agreed and put on the robe.  He was very professional after that.

Moral of the story:  Don't have health problems.

Monday, December 18, 2017

feeling popular

I've had a few websites contact me personally and ask to be included on my blog.  Is that a thing now?  To be added to obscure blogs as advertising?

It makes me wonder if they've read the pages and pages of my battles with migraine and depression.  I tried to warn them away because they all seem to be positive about health and beauty.  Not that I'm trying to be Negative Nancy, but I also don't want to harsh their readers' mellows.  The two latest sites were pretty good, so I wouldn't necessarily object to doing it, but it feels forced.  (Is this where I segue into the new Star Wars movie?  Get it, force-d??)

No spoilers.  Loved it, although I almost started a fight with the man next to me for unwrapping his candy too loudly and prolongedly (shouldn't that be a word?) in the first few minutes.  Fortunately for all involved, he stopped making distracting noises.

And bonus, I took one Excedrin right before the movie and didn't get a movie migraine.  YAY!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Happiest Place on Earth!

Unless you have a migraine.  And then it's Hell on Earth.

Yes, I'm speaking of Disney World, more specifically, Animal Kingdom.  I wanted to see the new Pandora exhibit, which opened six months ago.  The day started off beautifully, and I felt great.  I was not able to procure FastPass status for either of the two Pandora rides because they were completely gone by 10am.  Disney's smartphone app was horribly invasive and ginormous.  So, I chose the shorter of the two wait-times and serendipitously, the calmer ride, in case the roller coaster fucked up my head.

Two years ago, when I went to Universal Orlando to see Harry Potter world, I was impressed by all of the detail in the building structures and character interactions while waiting in line.  Disney did not have that in the Pandora river ride.  They tried, but it was merely average, not extraordinary like the Disney of old.  The actual ride was pretty neat though.

As the morning progressed, I started getting warning symptoms.  I took meds right away.  They did nothing.  I took more.  Nothing.  I ate a healthy lunch in case that helped.  Nothing was stopping this migraine from throat punching my vacation.  Fuck!

I left the park at 3pm, thrilled to be able to go back to a dark hotel room, curl into a comfy bed, smash ice against my head, take even more meds, and bask in minimal stimulation.  No loud noises, no jarring rides, no bright colors, no strong odors.  Just quietude.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Iron Chef Morimoto

I was finally able to partake in Morimoto's delicious food extravaganza.  Somehow, it's never worked out when I was near one of his restaurants to dine there.  This time, I made a reservation a week early.  I was so excited to try his food, although I was fairly certain he was not actually in the restaurant while I was there.  I was expecting high-end ambiance along with the food.  Nope.

Glad I didn't dress up beyond my CBGB t-shirt and Doc Martens.  So many kids there, which surprised me considering the prices.  Tables were small and shoved together.  The inner atrium was gorgeous, but sounds traveled all over.  It was interesting to listen to the accents of people I wouldn't expect at a top-notch Asian restaurant.

The food was exquisite and allegedly flown in fresh from Japan daily.

Center Atrium
Best ribs I've ever eaten


Cream caramel dessert