Friday, March 31, 2017

end of an era

My father decided he no longer wants to live here.  He left last week, and I miss him already.  I feel very alone now, with no safety net.  I went from having 10+ family members living nearby a few years ago to only one.  And he's too busy for me.  I saw him at Christmas.  I may see him again at Thanksgiving.

The good news is that Pop learned to text, so we can more easily keep in touch.  But it's not the same as having lunch with him every week. 

The even better news is that my health has improved, and the anemia has stayed at bay.  It's amazing how several pints of blood can make me feel so energized.

Now, I need to work on my laziness and social anxiety, so I can go out and meet people.

Baby steps to the elevator, Bob...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

mental illness monsters

I was talking to a young woman about her new tattoos, and she told me that she wanted to acknowledge her mental illnesses (she had a few diagnoses).  Therefore, she was getting the corresponding monsters tattooed on various parts of her body.

The original artist of these monsters created them to raise awareness and to manage his own illness better.

They say names are powerful.  Perhaps anthropomorphism is also powerful in letting us reign in our out-of-control thoughts.  In the spirit of that, meet my two monsters, Depression, who thankfully hasn't been haunting me much lately, and Anxiety, who has.  Go fuck yourself, Anxiety.