Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunday, May 29, 2005

It was so cold with freezing rain on my trip.  And, a nor'easter came in and gave me a big fat migraine for my trip home.  That sucked.  The weather here wasn't much better until today.  I got to sleep in the pool for a bit.  That felt yummy.  :)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I have to go out of town again this week.  Fortunately, my head is doing okay.  Yesterday, I went to see my chiropractor to get some preventative maintenance.  Then it was off to see Star Wars!  I liked it except for one part that irked my girl-o-meter.  There was a scene (by the way, this isn't a spoiler) where Padame was having a serious talk with Anakin, and she was brushing her hair at the time.  Every girl with curly hair knows you can't brush it, so she was just kind of faking it.  FFS, that was so ridiculous, and I can't believe no one spoke up to tell Mr. Lucas that he lost realism points there.  :p

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Free Psychic Astrology Online Psychic Astrology - Jan Spiller
My Basic Nature
Fire: 4
Earth: 3
Air: 3
Water: 2

I think she got my water signs too low.  :p
Spontaneous Orientation
Cardinal: 5
Fixed: 4
Mutable: 3

My Instinctive Desires
Life Houses: 3
Material Houses: 0
Relationships: 4
Psychic Houses: 3

Where I am Learning and Growing
Planets in Quadrant #1: 0
Planets in Quadrant #2: 3
Planets in Quadrant #3: 2
Planets in Quadrant #4: 5

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Happy Mother's Day.  This holiday has lost the weirdness for me finally, but I'm glad I have Galahad's mom to celebrate with.  However, there's a downside coming...
Be prepared for my Prodigious Pity Party.
I think I'm finally ready to talk about this.   Galahad's father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year, which in a horrible flash of coincidence is what my mom died from.  So, I've been trying to cope with my feelings whilst being supportive of him, etc.  Turns out I'm not so good at these feelings.  It's a horrible thing to watch someone you love and respect regress and degrade.  I try to save my tears for when I get home, but it hurts so bad.

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Woe is me.  I had to drive down to Miami a few days ago for business, and I'm still recovering.  When the fuck did I get to be so delicate?  First, I was supposed to be there at 9 am.  FFS, that's early considering it's rush hour and I live so far away.  I sat in traffic for almost two hours!  TWO FKN HOURS!  How do some people do that every day?  Six lanes and all going about 10 mph at best, with the carpool lane maybe getting up to 15 mph.   Fkn sheeple.  I would quit my job and work at the local grocery store rather than do that every day.
So I get down to my customer there, after calling them to say I'd be late.  Nice first impression.  Anyway, they start making fun of Miami, too, calling it Little Cuba.  I'm not a gambling person, but I'd bet pretty heavily that at least one of them was Latin.  I guess he's from a different South American nation and resents the Cubans taking over.  At least he speaks the fkn language.

There isn't really anything funny or interesting for the rest of the day except lunch, so I'll spare you the boredom.  The short story of lunch is that there wasn't anything decent close by, so an out of town colleague and I went exploring.  Did I mention I hate driving in Miami?  We finally found a decent restaurant, and there was nowhere to park.  #%#%@!!!  So we kept driving and ended up here, where we had a very nice lunch in a ridiculously LOUD restaurant and then got caught in a downpour running back to the covered parking.  /rolls eyes

Two hours later, we made it back to the customer, and finished up around 6 PM.  One of the men there gave me so-called better directions to get home faster.  Sigh.  A woman walking in high-heels passed me while I was driving.  I wish I were kidding.
Anyway, I ended up with a killer migraine.  What a surprise.  And I didn't want to medicate while driving.  Excedrin didn't cut it that day, so I took Imitrex and went to bed.