Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

If you ever get depressed about your own problems, and want to be voyeuristic about other people's problems, click here: group hug // anonymous online confessions  

Ha, who am I kidding?  Of course you're voyeuristic.  You wouldn't read blogs if you weren't.  :p  Careful.  This site is addictive, and in the end, you'll get even more depressed over how fucked up some people are.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I've been told this is the phone number outside of the Mann Chinese Theater where all of the Star Wars geeks are camping out.  Feel free to call and then email me what happens: 1-323-462-9609

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I just slept for over 12 hours, and then went out in the sun to sleep a bit more.  My head still hurts and it's getting me down.  That hopeless feeling of desperation is lurking just beneath the surface -- that the pain will never end.  There is no cure.  It's only downhill from here.  I'm trying to keep it at bay...  or at least to sleep through it.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday, April 15, 2005

Finally, it's time to come home (after a half day of class).  Yay!!   Everyone was warning us about how bad the airport would be, so we left extra early.  Turns out there wasn't any traffic on the way there or at security.  So, I sat at my gate for almost 2 hours before my flight.  Well, sitting might be an overstatement.  Apparently, I can fit underneath the arms on the benches, so I stretched out and closed my eyes for a bit.  I didn't want to sleep cuz I was paranoid someone might steal my bags.  Yeah, I know, I'm a freak.
My first flight I ended up sitting next to an MIT geek and a merchant marine geekette.  They were way too geeky for my tastes.  The two of them never shut up the whole flight even though they had just met.  Thank goodness I had my book.  :)
And if I thought the first flight was bad...  The flight home from DC was full of a class field-trip of teenagers.  I was smack dab in the middle of them, 5 rows ahead & 5 behind.  They were actually well-behaved for teens, but still kind of annoying in my mood.  The kid behind me started singing 100 bottles of beer on the wall.  I was just doped up enough to join in, but too shy.  Mostly they all just giggled & passed notes.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Another semi-sleepless night and another full day of training.  Nothing remarkable. 

Then, dinner at a little hole in the wall Chinese noodle place.  It was sooooo good.   As I tried to fall asleep, my head just got worse & worse.  I took more Imitrex and drifted into a drugged slumber.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Morning came way too early after a sleepless night.  I was very pleased that I wasn't forced to have a roommate.  Whoever thought that is a good idea for adults is a moron, and a cheap one at that.  I dressed warmly in my layers and went down to dine on some Jimmy Dean, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal.  So much for my alkaline diet.  :p  At that point, I was just happy to eat.  As I went back up to my room to brush my teeth, I started wondering if perhaps I wasn't dressed too warmly for an indoor day.  And, because I'm a warm weather person, my lowest layer wasn't one that I could wear independently and try to appear professional.  I decided to go for it, since I'd rather be hot than cold.
I was so glad I chose that way.  I was freezing in the training room, especially after I burned through some of those Jimmy Dean calories.  I guess the hotel just likes to keep it feeling like summertime. 
Training went well, and then it was time for dinner.  Yay!!  A few of us went to Legal Seafood, and I made the mistake of ordering the Thai coconut curry dish with scallops.  Yeah, in hindsight, I'm an idiot.  My excuse is that I was medicated and hungry.  Don't ever order a Thai dish there.  It was beyond bland, and this is coming from someone who eats plain oatmeal every day.  The scallops were incredible though. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I had a hell of a time getting flights back on Friday, so my travel agent booked me on two different airlines.  Today is my first time on Song, and I was all prepared with my 900 page book that I never opened.  I started playing around with the music and became nostalgic with some Depeche Mode & then omg, "I Will Survive."  That literally had me dancing in my seat.  Haha, I'm sure everyone around me thought I was a freakshow, but it was fun and took my mind off of the turbulence and the dull throbbing in my head.  Thank goodness I didn't accidentally start singing.  O.o

Holy shit was it cold when I landed!  And, it started snowing at about 7ish.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday, April 11, 2005

I'm getting ready to fly up to Boston for training that I was originally supposed to do last month, but I called out sick.  Too much business travel is bad for me.  Somehow, I'm fighting a migraine again, but it's manageable with Imitrex & Excedrin.  After last month's plane puking incident, Galahad has decided it's better if he drives me.  I tried to argue and be independent, but it did feel really good to not have to drive home in that much pain & misery.

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Saturday, April 2, 2005

People who know me know that I'm always looking for a healthier way to live that's compatible with my lifestyle -- meaning that if it involves 2 hours of yoga and meditation a day, it's not gonna happen. At the same time, I recognize that my body isn't as healthy as I want it to be with recurrent bouts of skin cancer sneaking up.

I haven't bought that raspberry cream yet, but I did find a new website that has changed the way I think about my body.  I love Google by the way.  =)

Now this man may be a quack, but I like his theories.  They seem logical and not so hoax-y.  I measured my pH and it was 6, just below the neutral 7 level, which reflects (to me anyway) that I'm mostly healthy but there's room for improvement.  This isn't the first time I've heard of this theory, but he presents a solid argument for it. 

Anyway, I'm gonna try to alter the way I eat a little bit and incorporate some super food supplements into my regime, along with the CoQ10 & Vitamin C and assorted others as needed.  Wish me luck!