Sunday, February 29, 2004

Sunday, February 29, 2004

I was told that today women are supposed to propose to their men.  So I did since I'm such a conformist.  ;)  Happily he said yes but didn't lock me into a date.  :p

The last of our movie trilogy weekend was Whale Rider -- another very cool movie.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Saturday, February 28, 2004

I finally finished reading Angels & Demons.  That was a great book and an amazing story-line. Galahad first brought it to my attention 3 years ago when it came out, but I read a synopsis which spewed on about the Catholic Church. I lost interest immediately. It turns out you don't need to be a good Catholic to find the book fascinating. I did find myself in a quandary at the beginning as I wasn't sure who I felt like rooting for -- no clear-cut good guy vs. bad guy in my mind.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Friday, February 27, 2004

Sushi & Movie night!!  Yay!!!

First we saw Lost in Translation which is an odd little movie but pretty good.  Then we watched Secondhand Lions which was fabulous.  I didn't think I would like it, cuz that little kid annoys me.  However he wasn't too annoying in this film.  :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I enjoyed HBO's movie, Iron-Jawed Angels.  I didn't think I would, but then someone recommended it, so I gave it a try.  It was truly impressive, and I bet Hillary Swank wins some award for it.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Monday, February 23, 2004

I was disappointed with the finale to Sex and the City last night.  It seemed the writers were so busy tying up ends that they lost their witty spark and the characters' consistency.  To use some slang, people were jumping the shark all over the place.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Thursday, February 19, 2004

My business trip to Houston next week just got canceled.  Normally I would be ecstatic, but I'm kinda bummed cuz I was looking forward to meeting up with a friend. 

One of my orchids is blooming again.  It's absolutely spectacular with sparkly purple petals.  =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

And Valentine's Day continues...

Laugh.  His present finally arrived today.  I got him the Chile Lovers Basket, and he loved it.  =)   Unfortunately, I won't get to share it.  :(  Merely breathing in its aroma singed my nostrils a little bit.  :p

On an unrelated note, I had my mostly annual eye doctor appointment.  Wouldn't you know it?  He told me I have sensitive eyes.  Sigh.  I feel so fragile sometimes like a strong wind could blow me over.  I remember when I used to think I was strong.  Okay, so the two aren't mutually exclusive, but one just sounds wimpy.  I am very strong-willed on some matters, but my corporeal self seems in direct contradiction to my inner self.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Monday, February 16, 2004

Yay, my cold is finally gone!  =)  Lots of people keep telling me this was no ordinary cold this year.  So perhaps I feel a teensy bit better that my immune system is still working well that I recovered in 4.5 days.  It still sucked, and I keep wondering if maybe one more Vitamin C would have prevented it.  :p

I met my brother for lunch. and we caught up a bit.  Sushi, of course.  ;)  I'm not really sure what else I did on my day off, but next I knew, it was over.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Galahad took me to a Valentine's Weekend (we love to stretch holidays) brunch.  Normally I detest buffets because of the focus on quantity over quality.  Plus, I don't like to eat food that's been picked through by the masses.  Okay, I admit it, I'm a food snob.  Anyway, this one was lovely.  And, my cold was almost gone enough for me to enjoy a few hours out of the house.  Afterwards, we walked off our gluttony at Riverwalk.  That fake sneeze sensation started to kick in eventually, so I wanted to go home finally. 

We get home and Galahad decides to tackle the last leaky sink.  It has the faintest drip, but he has this plumbing momentum somehow.  I wasn't really paying attention until at 6PM he announces he has to go to Home Depot and whatever I do, do NOT turn the main water back on.  Hmmm, uh oh.  He ends up working on this sucker for 5 hours and replacing the whole faucet.  Not sure what went wrong but he has mad plumbing skillz now!  :p

I'm fairly certain that every piece of plumbing in our house is working at 100%.  Omg, he keeps turning handles and knobs and saying, "Does this feel too loose/tight?"   Haha, as if I'm gonna fall for that.  I keep answering that everything feels exactly perfect to me.  =)

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day!  =)  If you happen to be flying solo today, take a moment and pamper yourself.  If you're with someone, pamper both of you.  Everyone deserves some pampering.  =)

I had a few more angry calls with FedEx yesterday.  It seems they delivered the package yesterday; however, it is nowhere to be found.  And, they don't have the ability to communicate with their driver to ask where he left it.  Wtf???  I called the company I bought it from.  They are awesome.  Not only are the refunding the delivery charges for Thursday's flower fiasco, they are re-sending this present to our house.  And, the woman apologized for ruining my Valentine's Day.   Of course it isn't ruined.  Any day with Galahad is a wonderful day in my eyes (even if I am sick).  ;)

Friday, February 13, 2004

Friday, February 13, 2004

BWAHAHAHAHA  Amex must have read my blog yesterday and saw how much I thought they sucked.  Either that or their disorganization worked in my favor.  I got another call from them today, completely oblivious to the previous one or so she said.  She said she could access my records and asked me to confirm my address, etc.  That was it.  So I guess I'll be getting a new Blue Card.  Wonder how long before I cancel that one?  :p  Honestly, the reason I am getting it is so I can pay at Costco again.  I hate that Galahad always has to foot the bill there.

While on the phone yesterday with a FedEx supervisor, I asked her to make sure today's delivery to the exact same address proceeded without a hitch.  I'll be holding my breath.

 Don't you hate when you have to sneeze and can't?  Did you know that a sneeze is the body's 2nd greatest feeling of release?  I'm sure you can guess the first.  :p

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hi, my name is Wendy and I'm in denial.

My chiropractor told me yesterday that I might have a cold.  I replied most assuredly that I do NOT get colds.  Sigh.  I think I have a cold.  :(  I guess it just started with a sinus migraine.  I've been eating vitamin C like candy and pounding down glutamines.  I felt feverish for a little while until I took my temperature and it was 97.7°F.  Am I even alive?  Wtf kind of fever is that?  Do colds even produce fever?  I'm cold-challenged.  I suppose these are the types of questions I would ask my mother if I had one.  How selfish of me to miss her at these times. 

I sent flowers to Galahad -- a beautiful arrangement of blue irises (purple to my color-challenged eyes) and red tulips.  Somehow FedEx couldn't find his office, so they were going to try again tomorrow until I called 3 times and became a thorn in their side.  Wtf?  They were going to leave live flowers sitting in a box overnight instead of just calling to get directions.  Would the building miraculously have appeared tomorrow when they went back?  I let the supervisor know exactly what I thought of FedEx's customer service.  Heh, like she fucking cared.  She basically said sorry we're too busy to call you back. 

I'm tired of the big companies getting arrogant and lazy.  Yesterday, I had a phone call from American Express trying to give me their Blue Card with no annual fee.  I told them to access my records (since I had a card with them for the past 10 years) and I would happily accept it .  They replied that since I had recently canceled that account, they couldn't access it.  I told them to forget it, and they did.  Whatever happened to customer service?  Remember when companies were hungry for business?  When did it switch that the consumer has to jump through hoops  to be a customer?

On the plus side, I am having a fantastic hair day.  :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

This morning was worse than yesterday.  I asked Galahad to get my Imitrex inhaler as it works faster and I couldn't wait the 2 hours for the pill, sitting conveniently on my nightstand.  I almost took the pill at the same time because it hurt so bad.  In hindsight, I probably should have since I needed to take it later in the day. Fortunately, I had my monthly chiropractic visit today.  I got the massage therapist to do more reflexology on my feet.  And, I heard the obligatory cute ears remark from my Doc when he used the auriculator on me.  No idea if I spelled that contraption correctly, but it does electrotherapy on the ear.  Yeah, I did all the weird stuff besides the standard chiropractic stuff.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

Did I mention I love my new red purse?  =)  One day while I was away, I got into the elevator, and 2 other women were already on it.  They both had red leather purses, too.  Omg, I'm trendy!  I hate that.  :p  No idea whose looked best.  I like mine best because Galahad bought it for me.  :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

4:30 am I awoke from my dream with a migraine.  I reached my arm around to my antique nightstand (thanks Grandma!) and felt around until I found my Imitrex.  Somehow those blister packs are tricky to open while semi-conscious and in major pain.  I awoke again at 7-ish feeling a bit better.  I popped two Excedrin also conveniently located on my nightstand and arose to face the day once I could get vertical.

Here's another random thing I saw while people-watching last week.

Did you ever notice that some men get ear wrinkles?  Or more accurately, wrinkles in front of their ears.  It doesn't seem to be correlated closely with age either.  Some older men don't have them while some younger (and by that I mean middle-aged ;)) do have them.  Anyway, next time you happen to be standing around bored near lots of men, take a gander and tell me what you see.

Monday, February 9, 2004

Monday, February 9, 2004

I'm still so tired.  I wasn't planning on working hard today (just dealing with emergencies), which as it turned out was very fortunate as I spent 3 hours helping my niece plan for her college graduation in May.  Every hotel in a 20 miles radius is sold out already except for a really nasty one we found online reviews for (thankfully!).  I was almost nauseous reading them, and she canceled that reservation quickly.  I would have rather slept in my car than stayed there.

Her parents have never been known for their fantastic organizational qualities, so I was happy to alleviate her concerns and get this arranged.  My sister is graduating from law school 2 weeks later which throws a monkey wrench into people's travel plans who have to fly long distances to attend both or make the choice to attend one.

Hmmm, now I have to wrack my brains and come up with meaningful graduation presents for each.  Please feel free to email me any suggestions.  :)

Sunday, February 8, 2004

Sunday, February 8, 2004

Yay!!!  I get to fly home and see my love again!  =)

But first, it's breakfast with Minnie and friends.  =) 

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Saturday, February 7, 2004

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel for this trip -- that is as soon as my eyes open up all the way.  Yet another motivational speaker today, Rick Page.    Again, good but too long.  It turns out that my new red purse also doubles as a soft pillow.  ;)   

Afterwards, the dreaded teambuilding exercise.  This one was much better than last year --- more fun and more apropos.  We played a game called Rattlesnake Canyon.  The only problem I had with it is that it brought out my ugly competitive nature.  I hate that.  I try very hard not to wake that dragon.  There was such a mass of chaos that it felt like I was on the floor of the stock exchange.  Everyone was pushing, yelling, etc.  And I was, too.  :(  My team did well though.  ;)

More talking.  More discussion.  Finally, closing ceremonies.  And last of all, fun night at Universal Studios.  It would have been fun if our bus driver didn't get lost on the way taking 30 minutes longer than normal.  It would have been fun if it weren't 40°F with high winds.  I wore 4 layers and was still cold.  :(  I took an early bus back to the relative warmth of the hotel.  Since I finally didn't have to get up early the next day, I stayed up late hanging out.  Much to the dismay of others, I didn't succumb to peer pressure and drink.  But I did cut loose a bit and let some of my edgy opinions and language fly.  I'm hoping that most everyone was drunk enough to give me plausible deniability.  :)

Friday, February 6, 2004

Friday, February 6, 2004

I feel much better this morning although I miss my soft comfy bed and of course my yummy bed warmer, Galahad.  :) 

Today started off with a motivational speaker, Jim Cathcart.  He was a great speaker, but as usual, a good thing loses its effectiveness when it drags on too long.

I started people-watching out of boredom and noticed that men's shoes have gotten significantly higher heeled as of late.  They boost the whole platform so it doesn't look obvious, but the end result is that it makes men taller.  Isn't anyone happy with their height anymore?

We had our awards ceremony tonight.  Last year I wore a dress and felt uncomfortable with my co-workers seeing me like that.  This year, I dressed much more conservatively in a pants outfit from bebe.  Okay, so I wasn't that conservative, but it was much more appropriate to interact with my co-workers in this attire.  ;)  Next year I'm wearing a turtleneck.

As per usual, I didn't stay out and party.  I went back to my room at 11pm to call my guy, read, and get some sleep.  Haha, everyone thinks of me as a prudish loser.  I'd rather have that reputation than the opposite I suppose. 

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead.  Which old witch --- the wicked witch.  Ding dong the wicked witch is dead!  The asshole has left the company.  =)  Yay!!! 


I was dressed all spiffy in mostly black to accentuate my new bright red purse.  In fact, all of my outfits for the whole trip are in neutral colors so my purse makes a statement.  My manager noticed it right away yesterday and complimented me on it.  He is quite a fashionista, so that was nice to hear. 

6 am came very early today after about 5 hours of sleep, so the rest of the day got rough for me as it progressed.  I was really dragging by the end of the day.  Dinner was almost a chore, but since I was a semi-native and the hungriest, I took it upon myself to choose the restaurant --- Bongos Cuban Cafe.  The food was fabulous, and then I struggled home and fell in bed by 9:45 pm.  Everyone else went straight to the bars.

<----loser b="" nbsp="">:p

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Somehow I turned into an old person.  I arrived at the airport way too early.  I had planned to have lunch there, but I still finished my leisurely lunch extra early.  When did I become my grandmother?  It was much less stressful, I have to admit.  Perhaps wisdom does come with age?  :p  I brought one of my Christmas presents (an extra thick paperback book, A Game of Thrones) to while away the time.  Thanks again to my young friend for this gift!  However, I got very distracted with people-watching.  I was especially fascinated with shoe choices.  I saw a much older woman trying to pass off wearing hip, chunky boots.  I respect her ambition.  :)

Once I arrived at the Orlando airport, I put on my game face.  Smile pretty for the company, lie and say I'm having fun.  It's not quite a lie, but if I had my druthers, I'd be at home with my love.  ;)

Dinner consisted of a buffet out by the pool, which was chilly in the wind.  I like that kind of food cuz it's in Wendy-sized portions, but I would imagine that most everyone else was frustrated as even I had to make 3 trips to get enough to eat.  Some people bit the bullet and coughed up $20 for a sandwich at the hotel marketplace. 

I was fortunate enough to not run into the asshole which made me wonder if he was here.  Although with 1200 people, it's easy to miss people.  My spidey senses were tingling.

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Wow, one of my whisperees (hehe don't know what to call him :p) is going over to Baghdad for business.   I wish you a safe journey and a safe return!  Laugh, perhaps I can strive harder to keep you entertained with my 'blog.  Omg, such pressure!!

So, anyway, I'm getting nervous about my looming business trip.  It's our colossal annual company pep rally.  I wasn't so fond of pep rallies in high school.  :\  Plus I have a roommate.  :(  /cry   And, I have never met her.  /cry   Wish me confidence and serenity and sleep!!!  =)

Monday, February 2, 2004

Monday, February 2, 2004

I had lunch with my friend today who is back from Paris.  Yay!!  We met at Wendy's cuz she loves their salads.  I was going to eat healthy, but then I started craving their junior bacon cheeseburger.  Madcow didn't even scare me away.  I rationalized that the odds were miniscule, while the pleasure would be large.  :) 

We sat in the Solarium section of the restaurant and just had a marvelous time.  The sun was beaming through the glass on such a glorious day.  It was even better than a fancy restaurant cuz no waiter came over to pressure us to leave when we were done.  :p  So, we stayed and chatted and soul-searched.  Perhaps we got a teensy bit boisterous for the regular retiree clientele.  Or, more likely, we entertained some bored, lonely old people.  =)  Hehe, one lady didn't even pretend to be polite --- she outright eavesdropped and didn't look away when I made eye contact several times.  Haha, sometimes I can't wait to be old and not care about social proprieties.

I surprised my friend with the tea I got her hooked on.  Poor girl...she tried to find it before she went to Paris and couldn't.  :(  She was so sad and missing it.  I found some while she was gone and bought the last box for her. Hehe, you should have seen her face light up when I handed it to her.  I can't wait to find more.  =)

Sunday, February 1, 2004

Sunday, February 1, 2004

My guy is so talented!!  So far, he's fixed the pool motor, the pool timer, the closet, and assorted minor things.  I forced him to relax again and watch the Super Bowl.  He's in such a fix-it mode lately.  Laugh, it gets me tense.  The game was fabulous and exciting.  I won't remark on the other issue except to say I liked her accessory.  ;)