Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

My lovely Galahad got up early today to gas up my car (well his actually) and check the tires, etc.  Laugh, I was driving down to the jungles of Miami, and he was making sure my safari vehicle was properly maintained.  He switched cars with me cuz I normally drive the newer one and we both were a little leery of leaving that at Miami Airport.  I washed my hair and finished up packing for my journey to the far north.  It felt weird to throw in turtlenecks while I'm standing around in cutoffs and a half-tee.

I loaded up everything and then remembered that I should print my boarding pass to make things easier to get through security.  I turned the PC back on and tried not to get sidetracked by last minute emails.  I'm so easily distracted.  :p

I began the long, perilous drive down, remembering that it's still part of the US so I won't need my passport.  I called Galahad to say goodbye and he looked up last-minute instructions on how to get to the airport from the turnpike.  I was just going to wing it, but exact directions are always better.  ;)  About one mile after I crossed the county line, I got back into Miami-driver mode.  It isn't pretty.  ;)  I started weaving in & out of traffic and began to feel at home.  I'm also happy I have the older car as the roads are not as nice anymore. 

I watched the clock and the storm clouds moving around.  I hit a few patches of rain but nothing too fierce.  I varied my speed by how close I was cutting the time with how heavy the rain was.  As I exited the expressway to get to the airport, I felt an overwhelming wave of emotion.  Somehow that exit triggered a childhood memory of my mother that was incredibly strong.  I felt the tears blur into my vision.  I choked back a sob and tried to keep my emotions checked so I could navigate my way.  It worked but a part of me felt guilty for having shoved her memory aside.

I parked my car and traversed the long path to locate my gate.  As I was sauntering through the morass of humanity, I began to realize that I was the ONLY white person there.  Every single person that I studied was of Latin, Caribbean, or European birth.  I forgot how chivalrous Latin men can be.  ;)  It was a nice change.

I stopped to buy a genuine greasy Cuban sandwich for my lunch.  Yum!  While I was eating it, tucked away in a corner of the terminal, I let myself think about what happened when my mother's memory popped into my head.  I'm not sure what happened but the same memory didn't provoke the same visceral response this time.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Monday, September 29, 2003

Well, I managed to fuck around all evening and not start packing for my trip until midnight.  Gah, I suck!  Hehe, Galahad is of course used to it and is offering up suggestions and reminders while watching me scurry around like a mouse looking for her misplaced stash. 

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Galahad and I went to look at my friend's house she just bought.  I went because I'm curious;  he went to give valuable ideas.   I'm not so great at which home improvements are feasible and which aren't.  It's an adorable townhouse that has a European flavor to it.  I can't wait to see it when she's all finished renovating.

We left finally when I freaked out and needed food (as usual).   We stopped at the first food place we saw which happened to be a bagel shop.  Who knew it was Rosh Hashanah and would be packed?  Heh, and then like heathens, we ordered traife food, but they didn't seem to care. 

Serendipity struck!  :)  The bagel place was right across from a homemade ice cream store.  So many choices!  I finally picked vanilla cinnamon.  And, it's my new favorite flavor.  Plus, they added in granola for me.  Haha, I can just see all of you squirming & gagging out there.  It's actually very tasty with a nice texture.  I love that they don't make their ice cream too sweet or too rich.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Saturday, September 27, 2003

I went to Recovery Fest 2003 tonight.  That was an odd concept.  It was a free concert at Mizner Park to help promote recovery from substance abuse.  I felt bad for the performers since so many of the audience left because of the rain.  I managed to slide up almost onto the stage and lean under the overhang.  I still got wet but not soaked.  And, omfg, my hair got so trashed.  I should have opted for soaked.  Cuz damp = frizzy.  I felt like I was back in the early 90's with my big hair.  =)  Soaked would have been preferable I think.  ;)

I was there to see a friend perform, which is why I stuck it out.  She sounded amazing as usual.  :)  And she was so sweet and called me afterwards to thank me for showing up and staying in the rain.  She laughed and said I was like the postman because last year, I stood out in 100° heat to watch her perform.  I told her I won't do snow though.  :p

I was out with my partner in crime (the tea fanatic) who persuaded me to go to the auction house after we had gotten a bite to eat.  The fun part of eating at Mizner is sitting outside at a cafe and people-watching.  We started giggling like school girls when the topic turned sex-&-the-city-ish and I got busted staring at some man we were discussing.    I didn't mean to stare so overtly, but her comment really made me ponder.  And no I won't be sharing.  ;)

The auction house was a treat.  I forgot how amusing it is to listen to an auctioneer rattle off the bids.  It's as if he speaks a new language.  They had some cool items there, but the one I liked had already been sold, which is fine because I don't need anything else in my house.  I saw a beautiful bronze mermaid statue but decided I would get sick of looking at it one day so why bother.  Yeah, I know, I'm entirely too practical sometimes.

But the best treat of all was coming home to my Galahad.  =)

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Ack, back to work --- I had to go to a client site to give a demo.  Laugh, it was hard to get up early *and* get dressed properly.  After the demo (which went well, Yay!!!), I stopped in at the regional office to say hello and go to lunch.  I brought home a surprise for Galahad.  One of my friends there knows he likes hot peppers and gave me some scotch bonnets fresh off the tree.  Hehe, I was almost scared to touch them.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Monday, September 22, 2003

I took the day off since I was accruing too much vacation time.  It was nice to have a 3 day weekend.  Mostly, I just lounged in my library with my Ruffles, a good book, and a snuggly blanket. 

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Today was light-bulb detail day.  Hehe, we're so lazy that we let a few die before we start replacing the hard to reach kind.  Those outdoor lanterns are a bitch to get to.  Galahad bought the long lasting bulbs this time since I had purchased those for the other ones a few months ago and they hadn't died yet.  Apparently they make them in chandelier tips now, too. 

We traipse all over the back deck checking the lanterns.  Of course, once he climbs the ladder to open the fixture, he gets all anal about cleaning them.  I gave him the "Omfg you are so wasting your time" sigh on one of them that was about 15 feet high and on the side of the house.  Who the heck would even notice that's dirty?  Laugh.  He moved on after my sigh (and perhaps a commentary :p).  I did back down when he wanted to clean the one right out the backdoor by the BBQs.  [Yes, you read that correctly.  We have more than one BBQ. :)]  He's such a perfectionist that he asked me to get the canned air that I use for our computers.  Hehe, he's so lucky I love him enough to waste money on that.  :p  Actually, I'm the lucky one, which is why I'll waste money on that for him.  =)

So I was Miss Helpy Helperton, handing him new light-bulbs, screwdrivers, Windex, canned air (sigh), etc. 

Laugh, the back lights were out for so long that when they all went on at once, it felt like bright daylight.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Friday, September 19, 2003

I forgot to write about my funny day on Tuesday after the BBQ fiasco.  My girlfriend had called me late Monday night in a panic.  She was craving the tea I bought for her and had just run out.  Hehe, I'm glad she liked my birthday present so much.  =)

I went back to Whole Foods to buy a few more boxes for her and started browsing while I was there.  This employee came running up to me to ask if I needed any help.  I said no thanks.  But that didn't stop him!!  He says, "oh you're just looking?"  Laugh, why yes, yes I am.  At this point, I was perusing the beer aisle seeing if I wanted to buy Galahad some new fun beer.  The first time I bought him Trois Pistoles, which he loved.  Next I bought Ephemere, which was also tasty.  Now I had pressure to live up to.  So this ardent employee commences to explain every single fucking beer on the beer aisle.  I don't even drink beer, so I have no clue what he means when he starts explaining differences between malty & hoppy.  Wtf?  It all tastes pretty bad as far as I'm concerned, although the last two I brought home were somewhat palatable.

Two separate people came up to him to ask him questions, and he blew both of them off saying he was busy.  Wtf??  I'm getting his life story and the beer drinking habits of every store employee and people who have legitimate questions are being neglected.   He also raises an eyebrow when he looked into my little basket and sees 6 boxes of tea and inquired why I had that.  Wtf?  Thank god I didn't have organic tampons in my basket.

Suddenly he leans into me (I immediately back up) and says, "what's that?"  I'm starting to suspect he forgot his medication today.  But, I'm in a good mood, so I take the bait.  "What's what?" I ask, again glad that I wasn't shopping for feminine hygiene products.

He starts to touch my belly chain (I lean further away) and says "that".  I decide that he must be slow, so I answer him slowly.  "It's a chain," I say in long slow speech.  He exclaims how fascinating it is.  Perhaps he's high?  At this point, I'm starting to plan my quick escape.  I had decided not to buy any beer somewhere along the course of the conversation, but I realize it will advance my getaway if I get one.  I pick one in the manner that I normally do --- by the graphic design of the label.  It also was one of the 15 or so that he recommended.  So Galahad is now the proud owner of a 6 pack of Flying Dog beer.  I'll let you know how he likes it.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I WIN!!!  =)

The tree has been scalped.  It looks so naked.  I feel so exposed.  :(  What was once a beautiful lush tree is now 4 spindly stalks.  /cry   I can't wait until it fills in. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I lose.  :(

A different tree guy says that tree isn't on the list.  Sigh.  Time to make a phone call....

It was his & hers day at the chiropractor today.  My poor injured Galahad.  :(  It's all wrong for him to be the fucked up one and me to be the better of the two.  Neither one of us is very good at the alternate role, but we are adjusting.  He's learning to accept help, and I'm learning how to be more assertive and insist on doing certain things.  Hehe, but I'm walking a fine line on not being too assertive and pissing him off.  He wanted to drive so I let him, after asking if he was sure 30 times.  =p

We stopped at Costco on the way home.  I won the battle of pushing the cart.  :)   But I still let him open my door for me.  :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I win!  =)

The tree guys came around last week to start doing the hurricane cuts on all the significant trees in the community.  I asked one short, bad-toothed man if they would be trimming the HUGE tree in front of my house.  He says no.  I ask 2 more times.  Dunno why, laugh, but it was hard to take no for an answer, so I kept asking.

This morning, someone knocks on my door and asks me to move my car since they will be cutting my trees.  Yay!!!  I pointed to the big fucker, and he said yes.  I'm still a little leery cuz I don't think he understood English very well, so maybe I didn't win after all. 

I moved my car and on the way back inside I noticed that Galahad had his BBQ returned from his friend.  Apparently he didn't move it into the backyard because of his shoulder injury.  So, I feel all beneficent and think I will move it for him.  Go me!!  It's on 2 wheels, so I should be able to lift and roll, right?

I suck.  It tipped over, smashed down onto my ankle slicing it nicely, and spilled out all over the front porch with a giant clatter.  How embarrassing.  I hope none of the tree guys witnessed that debacle.  I reassembled it and moved it another 5 feet before I gave up.  Maybe I'll try again later after I disinfect my ankle and wash the soot from my body.  =p

Monday, September 15, 2003

Monday, September 15, 2003

I may have created a monster.  I gave my friend various caffeine-free teas for her birthday since she is a tea fiend and cannot have caffeine anymore.  She called me up tonight (at 10 PM :p) begging me for the store where I bought one of them.  She has used up the whole box already.  I may have mercy on her and buy her some tomorrow.  ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Sunday, September 14, 2003

My poor Galahad is injured and he's stuck with me as a caregiver.  I made soup & frozen pizza.  Gah, I sometimes wish I had the patience to cook.  I am good at making him laugh through the pain though.  =)  We snuggled up in bed and read our books all day with me hopping downstairs every hour or so to refresh his ice pack.  It's times like these that remind me that I couldn't be a parent and do justice to a child.  I could teach them right from wrong (finally), but I couldn't nurture them enough I think.  And I don't buy that "it's different if it's your own" crap.  I know my nature, and that won't change.  I have my adopted Internet youngling (/wave), and that's enough for me.  =)

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Girls night out again.  My brother asked me to come out and help support his GF in a singing contest sponsored by the local rock radio station. 

I picked up my friend at her house and was wowed by her outfit!  She had borrowed her teenaged daughter's clothes and looked very good.  I had just thrown on jeans, a t-shirt and sneaks.  Oh well, I wanted to be comfortable.  I'm past the age of trying to compete with all the 20 year old hussy-dressing girlies.  Haha, now I compete with women my own age.  ;)  It's actually easier to compete with the younger ones because they lose most of their points with outward signs of insecurity.  I'm much better at masking mine now.  Not that I was insecure last night but rather at times when I actually care. 

So back to the story.  My friend spotted the perfect parking space right across the street -- only 2 disadvantages.  One, it was metered, and two, I would have to parallel park.  I'm much better in my car at high speeds.  At slow speeds (like parking), I'm terrible at maneuvering.  With her help, I slid into that spot like a pro.  For those of you who are wondering how I've gotten through life sucking at parallel parking, remember that 99.99% of the spaces here are pull-in ones.  We dump all of our change into the meter and buy 30 minutes.  Big fucking deal.  So now the begging starts.  No establishment there would give us change for a dollar.  The nasty pizza guy offered 3 quarters for a dollar like 25 fucking cents is gonna break him.  What an ass.  Finally, my friend walks up to 3 cops having a dinner break and asks them.  They start to hem & haw and she says either give us change now or a ticket later.  It's your choice.  Laugh.  They fell for it.  Or maybe it was her sexy outfit.  :) 

We met up with my brother and his GF.  They had procured a table right up front with the best view of the stage next to the judges' table.  Somehow, where I sat looked to be a good place to walk through even though there was no room.  So I constantly had people asking me to move so they could get through.  The official aisle was about 10 feet away, so they were just lazy or blind.  Most I gave my bitch look to and they went around.  One man was very persistent and got on his knees and begged.  Dunno why.  :p  I laughed but still didn't feel like moving.  Finally he started kissing my feet.  Laugh, that did it.  I jumped up fast and let him through.

The range of the talent there was incredible.  Some really sucked, and some burned brightly.  She placed 2nd which sucks because no prize for 2nd place, but at least she was recognized.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Tuesday, September 9, 2003

This morning there was a crew out to catch yesterday's baby gator.   Poor guy.  I hope they release him in the Everglades.  No more sassy white duck though.  :\

I forgot to watch the news yesterday to see if they aired that.  Gah, I truly hope I wasn't on it.  I can't believe they think it's that slow of a news day with this category 4 Hurricane Isabel barreling down upon us.

I still don't feel like writing about why I was crying yesterday (hence the swollen eyes).  I'll try soon.

Monday, September 8, 2003

Monday, September 8, 2003

I was rudely woken up this morning by a migraine a few hours before my normal time.  Years of this has prompted me to sleep with dry-swallowable Imitrex (the tiny ones) by my bedside.  I took one, rolled over with a pillow on my head, and pretended to be asleep for 2 hours until it started kicking in.  Then I stumbled downstairs and took two Excedrin to take off the last little edge.  Somewhere in between, my beloved Galahad came over to kiss me goodbye and looked at me with that look on his face that I hate to see.  That look that says he's hurting to see me hurt.  I feel so responsible.  :\

And then, some excitement in my quiet little community.  I had seen a police car cruising in front of my house earlier.  That was unusual, but I didn't see where he stopped so I forgot about it.  Later in the afternoon, I look out my window and see a news van with the giant antenna on top.  Wtf?

So I trudge over to the end of the pond where neighbors and news crew are gathering.  I'm subtly making sure that there are no news cameras aimed on me, but I know they can get you from hundreds of feet away, so I'm a bit apprehensive.  I'm barefoot, wearing my shredded cutoffs and a faded half tee -- not the best attire to be televised in.  I did have the good sense to put my sunglasses on to cover my swollen eyes (more on that later).

I ask what the hullabaloo is and find out there is an alligator in our idyllic little pond.  Then, one woman gets all teary-eyed and says he ate Eloise.  I was guessing that's her dog.  I felt so bad for her.  But it turns out that's my fucking duck!!!  That bastard killed our beautiful white duck.  The mallard (her fella') was just sitting all by himself looking bereft.  I peered into the pond to get a better glimpse of the killer gator.  Wtf?  He's like 3 feet long, just a baby.  Poor guy.  He didn't even eat the duck.  The neighbors pulled her away.  Wtf?  And buried her.  Wtf?

I scurried back into my house thinking it must be a hella (/wave DB  --- he hates that word =p) slow news day to be covering this. 

Sunday, September 7, 2003

Friday, September 5, 2003

Friday, September 5, 2003

I forgot how much I hate this time of year.  The constant weather changes are wreaking havoc with my head.  I seem to have a migraine every other day.  :(

Thursday, September 4, 2003

Thursday, September 4, 2003

I did such a girly thing tonight.  My friend called me up and asked if I would go with her to some seminar.  Of course I said yes cuz she sounded like she needed the company.  It was a live demonstration on permanent makeup.  It was a gaggle of women with too much concern over their appearances.  Yes, I like to look good but it doesn't consume my every waking action.  And, I've reached a stage in my life (thankfully!) where if people don't like how I look, fuck 'em.  I kind of felt sorry for these women who cared so much.  They were all older so maybe I'll get back to that stage (Gah, I hope not!).  I suppose I shouldn't judge too harshly or at all.  It was weird to be there since I wear only light makeup as it is.  They were all fully made up.  I started to feel wan in comparison.  =p  It's probably cuz my lip gloss wore off.  Did I mention how much of an esteem booster that is?  ;)

Well anyway, it was cool to watch someone get her eyelids & eyebrows tattooed. 

I wonder what parents could be doing for their little girls to give them higher self-esteem so they don't grow up and spend millions on altering their looks and still being insecure.

Monday, September 1, 2003

Monday, September 1, 2003

Yet another rainy day to laze around, curl up on my suede couch in the library, and crack open a good book.  I love losing myself in someone else's world for awhile, forgetting who & where I am and getting engulfed into a different universe.  Not that my life is bad --- I just like to explore and see new things through someone else's perception.  I get restless in my world sometimes.