Thursday, February 28, 2002

Thursday, February 28, 2002


My steri-strips started peeling, so I ventured forth to the doctor again.  Once there, the office manager tells me that the strips are supposed to come off now.   ARGGGGGGG!

The nurse sees me and notices the big fucking whole in my head.  She then has the decency to ask the cosmetic surgeon to have a quick look-see.  And, wouldn't you know, she decides to re-stitch it.  Today is actually 2 weeks to the day it was originally done, so she now has to re-cut the wound and make it a little bit LARGER so that there are fresh edges to stitch and heal.

Now, the Lidocaine is wearing off and it hurts!  I still have the Tylenol 3 from last time, but there's no way I'm taking that yet.  God forbid if I do and get a migraine as a result.  I'll just suffer in silence.
Yeah, right.  I'll suffer in whimpers is more likely.    ;-)    Poor Galahad is going to have to listen to me feel sorry for myself tonight. 

Monday, February 25, 2002

Monday, February 25, 2002

The physician assistant informed me that it is now too late to put stitches back in my wound.  So, she said steri-strips would work just as well.  Of course I started bawling again.  Fuck!  I don't like having a big fucking scar on my head.  :-( The nurse told me to come back in if they started peeling by Friday.

Saturday, February 23, 2002

Saturday, February 23, 2002

The airline lost my luggage.  :-(  Okay, they didn't *lose* it.  It just didn't make my plane even though I arrived at the airport over 90 minutes early.  I was surprised at how awfully slow Detroit security was.  Ft. Lauderdale security wasn't too bad, about 30 minutes.  Newark security was a breeze.  And, then there was Detroit.

I barely made my plane and did not have enough time to grab a snack.  So, on the plane I started wigging out a bit.  We were on a tiny plane to Cleveland, so I begged the flight attendant for some stale peanuts.  He was very nice and brought me 3 packs.

It was a beautiful view when we landed in Cleveland.   It was all covered with snow.  :-)    But really fucking cold!   I could see my breath in the Jetway all the way in.

Friday, February 22, 2002

Friday, February 22, 2002

Detroit had a beautiful sunny day today!  I had lunch at a yummy Mongolian BBQ in Royal Oak.  It is damn cold outside though.  My wound broke open.  :-(

I called the nurse.  She told me to come in.  That would be hard to do since I'm in Detroit.  So, I made an appointment for Monday morning.  I happened to check my messages at home and heard that they rescheduled me for the following week.  WTF?  I then called the nurse again from the Cleveland airport and started crying.  How embarrassing.  She said to just show up on Monday.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Thursday, February 21, 2002

New Jersey wasn't so cold today.  I guess I brought some warm sunshine with me.  However, it was snowing when I stepped off the plane tonight in Detroit!

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

It turns out that my surgery wasn't so bad.  It was the MIGRAINE at 5am on Thursday that sucked a LOT!  I barely felt the surgery or any pain from it since the migraine lasted for days.  I became an Imitrex junkie.  I finally kicked it by popping an Imitrex- Excedrin cocktail, which I was expressly forbidden to do.  Aspirin is a blood thinner, but I couldn't take the pain anymore after 3 days and figured my blood had clotted enough.  So, migraine is gone, face looks like Frankenstein, and stitches come out tomorrow.  Oh joy!  Then, I catch a plane a few hours later to the bitter cold North.  I wonder if I'll get searched more or less with highly visible recent facial scarring.  I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Well, I survived my first airplane trip since September 11th.  I was a little tense about it since they issued a new security warning for the same day.  But, I was also tense about the client I was going to see and about my surgery tomorrow.  So, all of the tenseness balanced each other out.  Plus, my lovely Galahad packed a picnic lunch for me to have on the plane since I wouldn't have time to eat before I visited the client.  Food always cheers me up.

Security wasn't bad except I got patted down by a female security officer even though I didn't set off the metal detector.  I'm not sure what that was about, but she was nice about it.  ;-)

Now, I'm tense about tomorrow's surgery.  And, I think I'm more concerned with the earliness of the appointment and my food capabilities than the actual cutting part.   Ummmmm, nope, I guess I'm tense about the cutting part, too.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

Sunday, February 10, 2002

Galahad & I went to see my brother yesterday.  I love his *little* dogs.  Okay, so they're not very little.  I still love them.  ;-)  His Tibetan mastiff was shedding her winter coat, so she was in heaven letting me brush her.  I finally met someone who sheds more than I.  =)  It was so cute to see her do her silly twitches when I brushed a *good* spot.  The German shepherd has her own set of idiosyncratic twitches.  She gets the anteater mouth going when she likes a particular spot to be brushed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Yay!  I finally got a good night's sleep last night --- almost 9 hours.  I might need another night like that tonight though.  I keep vacillating between keeping my hair red and going back to natural (whatever that is).  I have an appointment tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.

Monday, February 4, 2002

Monday, February 4, 2002

laugh.  My family never ceases to amuse me.  In case, you've never visited my 'about Me' page, let me share with you my family motto.  It is "It's all about me."  Now that may sound harsh to some of you who have caring, generous siblings, but it's just pure realism here.  All of my siblings (and most definitely their SOs) would agree.

So, on to my latest amusement.

One of my brothers (who lives about 3 miles away from me) just noticed YESTERDAY that my hair is red.  I'm not hearing you all snicker with me.  Maybe I should share with you that I changed my hair to red almost 4 years ago.  Nice huh?   hehehehehe